Friday, January 16, 2004

PrAiSe ThE LoRd, O My SoUl AnD FoRgEt NoT AlL HiS BeNeFiTs

28 hours until I leave Singapore. There was a time when I nodded with some sense of security to the person beside me and said, “40 days is a lot.” Not so any longer. Have you ever, even once in your life, seen time slip by through your fingers like fine sand? Have you ever tried to catch hold of something invisible, something so precious, something no money can buy and lost it within a fraction of a second? Have you ever tried to resist the urge to cry numerous times in the same day and succeeded?

For some reason, strangely enough, I have a wish to call Nicholas, my old band conductor and senior. I can’t get his contact, though. Nicholas Tan… Shu remembers him. Any help here?

Many people have told me- Eugene, Dave, etc. to keep my contacts here well. And I have done my best to really really try. As I run through my address list in my phone, I realize that I have spoken to the people that I wished to speak to, met up with those I needed to see, and filed the list of e-mail addresses immaculately.

My heart is filled with sorrow and there is no other way to put it. It’s ugly to tear away the untidy shreds of time and space that makes up the difference between now and what will happen 28 hours later. This is the transition period, a time when, as cloth is torn, the shreds show, and the break in the cloth shows how my life has separated into a new era, and one that will turn ancient in time. Time that should be wisely spent. Time should be spent praying. Spent with family, with friends. Time for reconciliation, and reflection.

You know, there was a piece of work that never got into the school mag. I want to put it up here before I leave, because I think I may not have a chance to go online very regularly at all when I get to Australia. It will be a separate post.

Also, be warned- I can’t access the net very often, so please wait a while if I can’t answer mail. So sorry, gomene…

So, I shall say it now… Goodbye people… And thank you for all your support. Every one of you have been just wonderfully fantastic!


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