Monday, March 10, 2008


Goodnight pig, the party's over.
What a tropical, sand-filled, knight in shining armour, falsely shocking, heroic, romantic, sunny, hungry/full, naughty, flowery, parking-lotish, lovely party it was.
And what a sweet sweet aftertaste-
of pinot.

The sweet paradise on top of the bedside drawer has crept apart and my room has become a tropical jungle quite suited for the amazonian savage that I am today. I am proud to leave sweet country behind and prowl menacingly into dangerous territory, knowing that one must eat, or be eaten. Savage beast, merciless vixen, voracious reader and ruthless computer-user 131 all pull together in some ancient tradition of the human spirit's need to survive and the emergent human (barely) just may survive in today's society of social niceties while getting to the other end of the year. In all, the resounding war cry emerges amist the roars of rushing waterfall...



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