Monday, January 19, 2004

The weather here is cool- almost like having air conditioning on outside 24-7. That’s bad. We actually pay for it in Singapore, you know. The houses, the shopping and the vegetation is all good. But the banking sucks. I spent 3 hours waiting to process two applications for 2 accounts, and read about 80 pages of the novel Tak Seng gave me at the airport. The card in Singapore is issued upfront, but here it takes ten days. Trashy thing, by the way, the novel- no literary value, like all these crazy modern things, but it’s alright once in a while. Avril, don’t tell Tak Seng that. But tell him if the accent comes, it stays. He told me not to come back with one. You are what you read. And it’s not too heavy, I can pick it up as and when I like. The thing about it is that it’s cover is really attractive- pink pigs with wings on the cover. So Lydia.

At times this whole thing seems quite bad because the weather is way to dry, and the water has too much sodium in it. My body doesn’t like it- it’s like drinking salt water al the time. That, on top of dry weather, is bad.

I’m still deciding between the skirt and the pants. I’m going to do my uniform fitting tomorrow, so wish me luck. I think I like the state of things here, and I’ve written quite a lot of nonsense on foolscap as a makeshift diary. Desperation springs forth creativity. I write a lot during exams too. I have 8 international stamps on hand, inherited by my now graduated cousin. And a few bus tickets. A twenty minute ride in Singapore will now take me one and a half hours. Thanks Tak Seng!

Hahaz, cried so much at the airport. Shu, this is all your fault!! You made me cry first! Hahas.. wait wait.. I’m sending you e mail…

You know what? A majority of the guys here are cute, and the girls are really skinny and REALLY pretty. Drool. But I don’t like that kind of cute. It’s the wrong kind of cute. You girls back there should know my taste. It’s ASIAN. Sorry, I’m still not used to seeing caucasians all the time in the corny advertistments here.

Also, I have here a disgusting theory on why men in general are quiet. I was told, by two males on the day I left, not to think too much. So I figured, that if you didn’t think, then nothing came out of the mouth because the head was well, to put it crudely, empty. All the women in the house say Aye. AYE! JoKiNg LaR… If you are reading this, you’re really smart lor… so don’t take it personally. I know you just wanna blank out on the situation sometimes. That’s what I did in the plane. So I did take your advice, see? *laughs*

WeLL, how are you all doing?? Tag, OK?? How’s life, how’s work?? E mail me…

Girls, I mean my best, how is it going? Miss you two so bad… also missing my familiar surroundings. The only thing familiar about this who situation is melvin the marshmallow monkey. Hahas.

My system isn’t taking he 180 degree change so well, but I must say I could be doing worse. My mother is. The sun, the cold, the water. It’s bad but bearable for me but my mother is having it worse. At least I’ll last out. It’s almost autumn, and so it’s cold, and everybody said summer and I was preparing for hot weather. And now I’m anything but hot. Am I hot, or not, 04s22. (sorry, inside joke.)

Love you out there everybody, especially my best. (Biased cannot arh?) Who’s my best? Check the credits on the previous entrys. Going to write e mails and drive myself silly. Blog when I can…

…If I DoN’T ThInK MuCh… My HeAd WiLl Be EmPtY…If I ThInK ToO MuCh… I Go CrAzY… So hOw MuCh Do I ThInk??


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