Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Read that as you wish, jellyfish.

I must say that it's been awful not to have the internet for so long! (The british are known for their understatements. Perhaps I have a little blue blood in me.) Nevertheless, I'm properly back. Deep sincere apologies to Rachel for not being there!!! I was quite *irate* about being so uncontactable.. so so sorry darling!

I'm in a strangely romantic mood tonight. I've been this way since yesterday at around 1 am when I received a resigned and relieved sms that said.... XXXXXXX. haha. Sorry about the error in code. Anyway, in reply, friend,


Ok so someone hooked up. But hey, it's special to me because I particularly like this couple. And I've been smiling ever since. Right now, everyone loves the world, and the world loves everyone. And me? I get loved by the world and more. hee. The moon's so bright tonight.. moonshine..

My teeth (or as Rach has proved, tettles/ totthies/ tetth) have come through amazingly well. Let me freak you out. The day after the operation, I was in church, talking. I Drove to church. I walked. I ate fish. Day 6 and I had katsu don for lunch. I thank God so much for seeing me through because He knows I wanted to have a more than surreal recovery. Truly He gives the desires of our hearts. wow. God, you're amazing.

Shakers was an amazing conference.

And I shall take my leave, taking care to drop a quote by Oscar Wilde at the end so you can see how utterly ridiculous our society can be. Good night dears.

[In all unimportant matters, style, not sincerity, is essential.]


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