Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I've been strangely fulfilled since Monday- the day I took flexi but was actually sick. It was the day I finished Brennan Manning's book and accepted a lot of the grace-truths I had struggled with previously. Life's been so peaceful these past few days, filled with apron making, running, eating and preparing nice food, sleeping... and inspite of all these things I love, I've experienced some not so great stuff.. and have come out still feeling happy and peaceful!

It's perfectly true that peace really doesn't depend on the circumstance and I am just so over-relieved at this moment because it is something I've wanted so badly and have not had for so long. I'm so in love all over again, with Him in the little things, with Him in this world, and most of all, with Him in me. Suddenly the things I do have meaning to me.

While it isn't that I haven't had my heart broken twice in these three days.. I simply don't feel as shit about things as I would have previously. I suppose my joy may come across as grating, I simply do not want to phrase my words other than how they alight from my mind- i make no apologies for His providence in my life.

XXX has contacted me to say he is now engaged. I admit I was a little smug because I was engaged since the start of this year and just didn't bother to say anything to him... Then I was annoyed because now I will have to reply the sms/msn (he sent TWO). Hope he doesn't read here.

Major love for earl grey tea. Very calming and happily vintage. Fits right into my apron sewing. When I am finished with my second apron, I shall try to post some pictures up. The first one is a vintage half apron with lace finishings, and this second one is a vintage bib apron with lacing as well. (: I AM HAPPY WITH MY APRONSSSS!


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