Something Happened
This pottery thing was driving me to madness. It had been dancing around in my head during what Dennis calls "life between having to work". It's fine when I am at work. I don't think about anything other than work and food at work (and work related social life lah huh). But when I come home it drives me crazy. Pottery? Dance? Flute? Singing? Music? Art? Watercolour? Dennis tells me to pick one. I've tried them all and decided I'm not that flash at any of them.
Today I took my first full sick day at work. I'm not too happy about it because I would rather be at work, actually. I hate missing out in case I get allocated some kid I don't know about or forget to get told something. It's never happened, of course, but that's because I've never been crook this year yet. And now I have some weird gastro bug.
So i ended up doing what I do when I feel like barfing.. I read XX's blog because all the pimped up gossip makes me want to barf even more and I sort of feel like I am in Singapore again (which kinda counteracts the barfing feeling). And that's when it happened. XX posted a link to Kaykay and Paul's short video clip where they try their hand at throwing!!! And I was so hopping mad because they even showed the link to the studio on their clip and here i am in Perth trying to dredge up some lousy class that doesn't really cater to anything. So I called up the fremantle arts centre and it turns out that they offer fairly flexible classes starting late in July and finishing the week my contract ends. Oh, how time will fly once I start the class~~!
Yesterday, Dennis encouraged me to join a class, any class, even if it was expensive. I guess it proved that I was being a hypocrite about saying that one should live life now, but not being willing to try out something I knew I wanted. I don't know why, but it made me really emotional to be able to do something I really wanted on the side. I haven't felt this relieved/alive in a long time and it's scary. I think I nearly cried when I signed up today. Before this, it was just this dogged feeling of, we can't spend money on trivial things like this when we have to worry about rent and weddings and things. I think something had to break...
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