Sunday, April 18, 2004

JoYfUl jOyFuL LoRd We AdOrE ThEe, HaIl ThEe As ThE SuN AbOvE!
|17th ApRiL, SaTuRdAy… 11:40 pm.|
Love me for what I am
For simply being me
Don’t love me for what you intend
Or hope that I will be
And if you’re only using me
To feed your fantasy
You’re really not in Love
So let me go
I must be free

|18th April, Sunday 4:44 pm|
It’s the 18th and guess what? I’m actually looking forward to going back to school because the boredom is killing me here and making me depressed. On the other hand, if I were to see more people online… that would be a nice change.

I don’t know exactly why, but I’m super tired nowadays and sleep a lot and feel funny sometimes. Mom says it’s depression. Maybe so. Also, been eating a ton more of things. I think I’m really truly fat again. It’s really sad, now that I know what it’s like to be NOT fat. From December to February I was NOT FAT. Now I’m once again fat. This is so sad.

I was looking through my stash to see what interesting things would pop out at me so and make me feel better, and I found a card that Patsy and Kenneth gave me, and it said on it something that I had been thinking about lately. It goes something like this: Keep the faith. Even when you can’t see the stars shining, that doesn’t mean they’re not there. It just means that they’re hidden by a cloud and that you’ll see them shining once again.

And another thingy I found was a card given to me by a special friend… it said ‘hang in there’ and it had the mostest appropriatest poem on it about hanging on. I really wanted to e mail that person… but HOR, the inbox was so jammed full that no mail could go through. Sighz. Somemore told me to write e mail. Dodo.

Today in church I invited Jon over for dinner. He’s the one who lived in Malaysia in SS2 near the really good food. No, it’s not for the sake of obtaining some really good food or anything, he’s just a nice guy is all. In University of Western Australia doing some complicated course and what not. Poor guy is so stressed now. And it’s the holidays too.

Over here, the university holidays coincide with the high school ones. That’s quite nice, really and I think that next year will be a much better year for me.

Heh heh. It’s now close to eleven. Wended my way to Bethany church of God and the service was simply fantastic!! Or shall I say phantastic? Hehehe… many thanks to Alison who introed me to aunty Vera whose daughter is selena who brought me there. It was a really nice service. I’m not so depressed anymore. Heh. Kkz lar. Try to make some decent template changes instead of blogging so much for now. OyAsUmInAsAi.


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