Monday, February 18, 2008

New Plan

Having finished the first day of AAC lectures, and also become increasingly disconsolate about the state of academic affairs regarding 25 unanswered emails, looming workloads, new placements, draft proposals and a million pre-requisites and pre-pre-requisites threatening to prevent graduation like ravenous wolves, I have made mock attempt to throw in the towel and kick the bucket, going on the principle of 'if you imagine it up, you'll fall off the cliff of the imaginary into the gushing ravine of reality and feel better afterward. Much Afterward.'

So here is my brand new shiny polished neatly cartographed plan.

1. Lose 10 kg by August
2. Move to Victoria and discover it's secret.
3. Join the secret fashion show.
4. With the money earned from that, start a small business in pharmaceuticals and affordable lingerie (separately, of course).
5. Buy a hammock.
6. Sleep.

Argh, reality is quite disgusting, but I guess it's only for a year, right? Anyone else with schoolblues?


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