Saturday, June 24, 2006

Issey Miyake

The second hottest perfume in the world. Second, to none other, than Hugo Boss. Hahah. Rachel votes otherwise.

We went shopping late on friday night. Surprise, surprise. I don't shop late in the city on normal days, but I was in the mood for it after exams. And it was good. There is an exuberance about night air and open shops. Jen and I walked into Valleygirl and bought the first things we saw. That was fun. fortunately, we didn't buy anything else for the night. But we did end up in Myer, trying all the perfumes there were to try. I was dizzy by the end of it and Jen's nose was too. I banged into a short pillar outside and laughed like a drunk- highlight of the night. Hehehe. Lydia disease progresses to stage 2.

Anyhow, we saw perfume concentrates made to smell like, well, single odours. I don't say scent, because I mean odour. They were labelled "dirt", "Rain", "choc chip cookie", and other disturbing things. And when I opened the testers, they DID smell like their names!

Imagine if I could post a scratch and smell on a blog. That will be the day technology reaches decadence. Of course, you would need an external smell generator that would code the smell and produce it. Ordering by mail would not be a good idea. If it got broken in the shipping, can u imagine the stench?

I'm headed south for two days (short term migration- I'm one of those fickle birds who can't decide where to go) and after that, frankly, life looks bleak. I should just take a holiday and never come back. Seriously! Arrangements are sucking and I am not looking forward to coming back from Margaret river. Life is life and no, you don't get what you want all the time (except maybe Hugo Boss).


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