Sunday, March 25, 2007


I was driving to Esther's place for cell at a leisurely pace and enjoying very much the sky that was layered in an impressive color coordinated manner. God was so present at that moment, and life was really very very good just then. I realised that if I looked at just part of the sky, it would not have impacted me as much, and that made me think about how we may not always see the big picture, but when we see the smaller pictures God shows us, we shouldn't doubt his perfect plan which is really very pretty to behold in the end.

And I was listening to 92.9 at that present moment, singing a very dumb song simply because it was playing.. My mind processed the lyrics and I silently abhored the concept it proposed. "I see you looking at me and you already know I want to love you." How can one love someone else just by looking at them. The raw implication of lust shoddily blanketed by the word "love" was just unconvincing and plainly distasteful. The subscription of the human mind to such is the work of deception.

I love passing by houses with kids playing outside. There's a sense of lost innocence that wisps by as you pass the children and you are half tempted to join in. I want to be young like that again. I want to believe the world is all I thought it to be, but I don't want to live a lie either.

MiloDino has gone for youthcamp. (==( come back soon, I mwishh u.


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