Monday, February 07, 2005

*-[Deja Vu]`+
Sometimes the pain of Deja Vu isn't there in a prominent way. Sometimes we just remember things. And today I remember. I remember oh so clearly the time I spent in Perth with Ps Daph and Ps Chad which will always remain so so precious and close to me. I will remember the ice cream, the walking, the apartment, the planetshaking, the car, the subi markets, the grocery shopping, the laughter, and the love they gave me. And I want to say a big big thank you to them! I mean... what could be wonderfuller? Two people who really reach out to you and make your life so much more wonderful.
I miss you guys so much already.

Dear God, you know I want so much more. But sometimes it hurts... and I somehow want to run away from it all. But I know that you want me to grow instead. You want me to fall into your love and you want to heal the wounds I have... you want me to be crazy in love with you. And you want all the good things in life for me, things that are of eternal value, things that last. So I choose you, I choose life, and life more abundant, that in my brokeness you show yourself more than ever before. Your daughter, Sara.

*-[He was broken for my transgressions, his blood was shed for my iniquity]`+

*`.(( He is the reason I breathe. And so I will sing. )`.-


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