Thursday, September 08, 2005

Unbraek my Heart (spelt accurately for the love of Ra-e)

I've broken a heart today.

And this is not my first time.

I think I'm getting used to this.

The cold feeling.

The nausea.

The cut that bleeds deep.

The aorta that wiggles when I put my finger in, remembering what dear old Mrs Liang used to do! Oh how I miss her biology antics~! ahaha. Did i catch u there? Aww.. too smart la, you.

Yeah la, I did in a pig's heart today, mediaseptum and all. It's my third time... (sec school, high school, uni!)... Very unforgiving, those silver scissors. Snip snip snip. And Su Ann was looking funnily at those blood clots stuck in the atrium. The valves were more interesting than usual.. maybe because I've never learnt the details until now! But today... a lot of blood. I don't know why.. maybe they're super fresh la. Yeah so we were singing... unbreak (braek) my heart.. ahaha... and we were just cutting the left ventricle up.. eww. Today our 'friends' were out in full fledge... there were 5 tables full of cadavers la! I recognise some of my old friends. The one I met the first time I ever saw a cadaver... And the subsequent very familiar... faces? But no, let us not be superficial, after all, I've never seen their skin. well, familiar bodies then. Muaha, as you can tell this is my first lab this sem, and I'm getting back into it.. urgh. Today was the weirdest one, because my eyes started smarting halfway and I realised that it was the FORMALIN. and I when I looked at the cadaver.. it was drying out. So yeah, that's why. I don't know. Would you rather be dry and make people cry (great, it rhymes!) or have your lung cavity filled with wetting solution? And because I cannot answer this question, I shall stick to being an organ donor.

I feel like drinking wine. =X. haha. Shhh...

[You make me wanna be brave]


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