Saturday, December 17, 2005

Frumpy Toothbuds.

Ode to Guppy with no more wise teeth.


I love being in Singapore.. because I get to go crazy.. (and, as my darlingest dearest cousin must add, and rightly so, because she is here.) And also because a side of me comes out that is just not present in Perth! A quirky, weird person who cracks the most insane inside jokes with her best of friends and lies on the parquet floor eating fries and laughing about, really, nothing at all! Must be the air, says Avvy. A bit of silliness, really, says Johnny Depp who is SO HOT in finding neverland. Raise your hand if you didn't cry when Kate Winslet's character died. *points finger at people who did* Do you feel guilty? well you should! Suffer!

I loooooooooooooooooooooove doing so many things~!! I wuv embarrassing guppy on maple! "Hello there Mr. Snail! I see you are red! And that makes you hot! But I need exp, so I shall need to.. aaah.. cause your expiration. It's been nice meeting you!!" I Looooooooove laughing about insanely weird things! I love I love I love the intrinsic THRILL of living in my cousin's house and being in Singapore! I LOOOOOVE discussing my cousin's life with her! (go see her blog MUAHAHAHAHA red letter daeeeee). I LOOOOOOOVE killing chickens in Rachels house with her while she tries to impart her singing skills to me! I LOOOOOOOVE watching Johnny Depp! I LOOOOOOVE swooning over Rachel's singing! IT IS SO SWOONABLE!! Shi Fu! Teach me!

WARRRRRRHAHAHAHA and I got my results back. My Lord has been faithful! As always! THIS IS GOOD!

Things have changed.. I admit I don't belong here and I don't live here anymores.. but I love that God has renewed and restored! GOD IS GOOOOOOD! I know that I have to learn and move on and really put my heart into sowing into Perth, but I also thank God SO SO much that He has been everlastingly faithful in blessing me in Perth~!

OOOOOH and I'm so excited.. OOOH and I'm so psyched.. OOOOOOH and I think I'm on cloud 9!!!!

[To lose one parent, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as tradgedy. To Lose both looks like carelessness. - Oscar Wilde]

WHEEEEEEEEEEEE Jumping Junipers~!


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