I have much to say about the festival and no words to say them. Instead, let pictures speak their thousand words each, and let me save my words as alms for assignments..
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Claisebrook Cove.
Ger and I, don't we look content? There's an unmistakable air of festivity...
The Karen Sue, going for $210, 000. I wouldn't mind living on her.
The platypus and it's supplementary tadpole.
Gondola on the swan.
The Fab4, my mini roadtrip buddies.
Forgive the Narcissism, I really like this shot.
Skyline; view from the bridge.
What goes up must come down: the view from below.
I just love these cute little boats with their seemingly eclectic people.
My Narcissism is boundless. Myster Saylor, take me with you.
I like this perspective shot. So there you have it. Claisebrook Cove on the corner of Royal St. and Plain St, so tucked away you never knew the hidden secret of the smiling wealthy.
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