Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Alison and I made friends with prickles. She named them sponge and his mate Junior. Then we returned them to the ground to rot. Haha.

After one night of proper rest, my body is slowly recouperating but I still find myself constantly rejecting my food. I'm sure it's just stress, I can feel the usual stresses physically, but psychologically I'm coping fine. I just finished one assignment, and am going to start on another. Happy 8 am classes tomorrow. Tsk. I can't wait for exams to be over. Re and I were talking about mindlessness, and how we'd implement it after exams.. Sitting in front of the TV the whole day, doing absolutely nothing but drink coffee and coke and surfing the net in our pajamas. Bring it on, baby! I can't wait! Whooooo!

Yanni's gig is tomorrow, and I reckon I don't want to be embarrassed. I consented to this for Yanni's birthday, and I hope not too many people will come because I really don't like being heard.. It just sounds terrible to me. Won't know where to put my head. I don't mean to be rude or ungrateful, but I just don't do these things well.

oh well, tomorrow it will all be over.. I've got to finish my assignments real quick.. S&HS needs to be done soon, because Clinical is pressing! And I havent even DLed my notes for the exams. Got this telethon speech and hearing centre thing to go to tomorrow. Gah, so far away, and I dont even know what its all about. And I'm driving as well. Waste of petrol. Hurhur.

Tired. I am just so Tired. So so out of it. More sleep, me. More please. More ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

We've done it all before, Alfie.


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