Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Getting used to my hourly/minutely updates?
It's because I have no one to talk to besides Joel.
Joel is 5 hours behind me.

-JoelCane- HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! says:
Apple as in the fruit or the computer???

I have calmed down from my fit of fatigue-induced insanity after a good warm bath. A good bath always helps. And Zantac. After my corn, I didn't bother to try to down any dinner because I have a good idea that it will come back up. Instead, I will try to have breakfast tomorrow as some sort of lousy compensation. I really don't feel ok tonight, but I am hoping that sleep is all I need. After I type this daft rubbish, I will try to do reading for tomorrow and make up my learning contract. Damn lei chey.

It was a gorgeously foggy day this morning and I flicked through my zen, trying to find music that would 'fit' as I walked down the stone path and frosty alleyways to reach the bus stop. Only John Mayor fits exactly. Everything else sounds rather out of place. So if you want a feel of Scotland from my ears, it would be John Mayor. I think everyone is different, though. To be honest, although I am struggling physically (my uncle suggested flying to Edinborough. I want to puke at that idea. Flying.) and ethically/stressically, I'm ok. There is no where else I would rather be. The hospital is home to me. The walking is home to me. This place is home to me- the apartment, my housemate, the view of the river.. I relate to it and identify with it in a curious way- as if I have known it all my life, and it known me.. we just hasn't met yet. And now that we have, we have just begun to shyly say hello. I am wary of it and it of me, but we seem to love each other anyway: I feel like this is a part of me that has always desired and is now fulfilled, because now I am in Scotland.

I've gotten a temporary library card from Ninewells as well. And by some marvelous chance the first novel sitting atop the pile was 'a suitable boy' by Vikram Seth. I was like.. another one of those Arundhati Roy type books. But it's actually really good! So I had to go and borrow it as my source of temporary comfort in my isolated, scottish-accented world. It's useful for when I have to wait for my housemate to finish work.

As for working, it's quite challenging to be tasked with deciphering patients that are already deciphered. I feel as if it is too easy for me but they are making it hard by withholding information.. It would only be fair for me to read the notes all at once, instead of asking me to do it in little bits. I'm not daft. But sometimes the things I say make them think I am, because I am succinctly end-point conclusive. While my Australian placement supervisors would understand this well, I have had to reiterate my entire thinking process only to find they are somehow stuck lower down in the ladder, refusing to move on a particular theoretical standpoint, and therefore my conclusion is daft because that sort of thinking is not acceptable. Don't know if they will rate me ok. I'm a little stressed about that. We really don't agree theoretically. And I don't know if Australia has brainwashed me, but I have been through 3 years of well explained evidence that leads to my australian way of thinking, whilst I have not seen theirs. As usual, the clinical supposition is that I will come to some sort of compromise, but shock-and-horror! Maybe they won't be backed up efficaciously? I need to find out more. Sigh. She's a lot more easygoing than I thought. No treatment planning, even.

Does anyone want anything in particular? Let me know, ok?
I'm sorry to be such a pain and whine when I should be letting you know all about beautiful scotland. But I am alleviated of guilt since pictures speak a thousand words and I have posted many pictures. Actually, if I handed in 3 pictures for an essay in uni, would that work?


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