Sunday, June 15, 2008

Show Me

Body dysmorphia is a terrible psychological disease that makes people feel like a part of their body doesn't belong to them. We think the people who feel like a hand or a leg don't belong are really very crazy and don't understand the importance of the body's wholeness.

Well, to some extent, we all have a little bit of that. we feel like some parts of us aren't right or nice and we wish it away fervently, denying it's function or right to stay. In truth, every part of us makes us what we are, every fat molecule and freckle/pimple. But to be loved for who we are is not in our control. To be accepted is not a choice we make for ourselves. Being judged is hard, so we change ourselves, hoping to defer, or better still, change other people's opinions of ourselves at every cost. Weigh your wages. Which is better? Do we really have free choice to look and dress as we would?

Some days I have a soaring sense of how human I look, and I feel good about it. Some days that gets crushed by a word or a look or a passerby. Some days I do feel beautiful and try to look presentable at the very least. Some days are just bad for one's health in the self-value department.

What I really meant to say is that the point is not to change who you are to avoid the negatives. It's to change how you think to love youself best, because it's no point others thinking whatever it is they think when you don't think the best for yourself.

I'm sleepy and a bit jaded.


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