Sunday, September 17, 2006

What can express me now? I have not blogged for so long that it will take a multitude of adjectives to make you understand what I am feeling now. (You know, the Fee-Ling ah.) It's been an elevator ride, and I am glad to report nothing but shooting through the roof. The low beyond low is rising higher and higher; yes I am afraid of crashing but I put my hand in His- He promised that perfect love would drive out all fear, and whose love is quintessentially pure but His? I am grateful and with gladness, I stand before Him, half grinning, half in reverence.

And Alabaster Jars. What can I afford to break and how can I offer my broken self to afford Him that aroma of worship? It's only in that brokeness, that desperate attempt to express to Him what the soul cannot explain, the almost-agony of telling Him how much you need Him that would have caused Mary to break the jar of perfume with great deliberation, spilling it and spreading it with her hair, letting the fragrance rise and not knowing He saw more into her than her actions. He loved her for what she could not express, He knew her in a way she did not know herself, He acknowledged her emotion; emotion that could not even be felt by her. How finite we are and how gracious He is. (Luke 7: 36-50)

I am validated only because of the value He gives to me. He gives me worth and loves me because I have worth. We do it too, especially as children. We love our toys for no good reason, we love old clothes and pillows with great irrationality. And I am secure in His love because no one else is involved in validating me, not even myself. Thank God that it works that way. Life would be living hell other wise.

Jogged for 45 minutes today, feeling good. yumyumyum. Adrian, the bet will hold, even if you feel like giving in, I DON'T CARE. You said end of KOTSW, and I BELIEVE YOU, so don't break the bet. You want me to be fat forever????? huh huh huh huh????? hahaa. Gambatte ne. One day the cycles will have to break, and your deadline's coming up. I'm working on mine so don't slack your end. Just do it, once and for all.

Mmm. I should work on my phonetics.. Gerry, wanna chill out and read dictionary? hahaha. I need the practice too. I teach u ok?? Hahah, you siao woman, you made me laugh so hard I am sure I lost some weight and toned some abs just from yesterday and today. ROX SOX AH!!!!

Yah I've been doing some arty stuff. Esther's birthday, Mum's stuff, paper files and yada. I like I like. Gonna work more on my assignments now though, cos the deadlines are a-coming. Heheh. I like my work!

Mm.. Yennifir's coming over soon.. ( i love irritating her with that name- she calls me Bara in return). Ta peeps!


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