Tuesday, March 15, 2005

*-[Bimbotic Nerdhood]`+
It would seem a rather atypical oxymoron, nevertheless I've proven it's paradox. A bimbo can be a nerd. And I am a very frustrated bimbo right now. I'm also turning 3 shades of red from the stress and at this current point in time could KILL my computer for it's impudent insolence which I find unforgivable. I NEED to print notes. What part of NEED focuses on options? The lack thereof perhaps, but no other! *huffs*
I chanced upon Gore Vidal's books in the library as dearie Rachel reccomended, and found her instincts true. (I'll say it for her, "But of course~!") And other than the musty shelf devoid of human attention, the book was in good shape. I hitched it off it's shelf, dropped it, and checked it out. It was an unassuming book, humbly bound with an ostentatious GV in gold on the cover which, were I more of a bimbo, I would have assumed to be the history of Givenchy and it's fragrant start. (remembering, of course that this was all written in the 1950's.)
I've been a terrible crank lately, and I must apologise to my books, my toothbrush and most of all to the piano, inanimately speaking. People wise, I should say sorry to Su for being a grump, and to my much enduring mother and father (who I just shooed off the com so I could do my bio) as well as to my Human Bio lecturer to whom I directed my evils all afternoon. He can be a bit of a sote at times, but he really is harmless and very informative. =)
I must say a big thank you to Rachel- GV proved to be a good laugh and although I was condemned a nerd I continued my reading after his very exquisite choice of words made me crack up in the car on the way home. Nevertheless, I'm tired, and the neverending work is piling once again. I have the ardous task of distinguishing tissue types, and find histological slides rather... breathtaking suffocating is more the word we're after.
Again I must express my displeasure at these very stifling attempts to seem knowlegable by using unmemorisable words like histology (which is way to close to history for my liking). My lecturer was going to show us some histological slides.. now why couldn't he have said tissue slides? I know it makes him sound less clever, but I have enough problems dealing with single, stratified, columnar, cuboidal, spindle and squamous (like a squaw do you think?) to really process the word 'histological' to anything meaningful in my brain other than purple stained tissue. (Thinking of stained tissue paper is bad enough. This just makes things more complex.)
On Thursday I will have my first run in with the preserved, skinned people (aka cadavers) (see! These big words are so annoying). Well, I must prepare in advance for this momentous date (although hardly joyously) and I will stock up on the veges and eat as much meat as I can because I forsee temporary vegetarianism in the coming days. Woe to he whose eyes feasts upon meat. Don't say I didn't warn you.
=tra la la=
Jaa~ My nails are so ragged.


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