Friday, August 05, 2005


I see stardust! Well... I'm pretty much on cloud nine, so stardust shouldn't be too far away from there, right? hehehe...

Hyaaa... I met someone today. And that someone ALWAYS happens to impact my life in a very substantial way when we meet! God has an amazing way of using this person to tell me things, and today's lesson was perhaps the most impactful. I think that I walked away from today's rendezvous thinking I had not gained much other than a friendly catching-up, but once again I was gladly proved wrong as a song by Joy Williams played on the radio on my way home and I began to realise what God had done to unconsciously use this person to show me.

[Hide- Joy Williams]
To anyone who hides behind a smile

To anyone who holds their pain inside

To anyone who thinks they're not good enough

To anyone who feels unworthy of love

To anyone who ever closed the door

Closed their eyes and locked themselves away

You don't have to hide

You don't have to hide anymore

You don't have to face this on your own

You don't have to hide anymore

So come out, come out, come out wherever you are

To anyone who's tryin' to cover up their scars

To anyone who's ever made a big mistake

We've all been there, so don't be ashamed

Come out, come out and join the rest of us

You've been alone for way too long

And if you feel like no one understands

Come to the One with scars on His hands

'Cause He knows where you are, where you've been

His scars will heal you if you let Him

Wonder why the word 'scars' have a very significant meaning to me? But today was very very very significant in many ways as God showed me what acceptance of myself meant. Even if it means a white laced size 10 dress. And non-matching bra straps. haha. I love complete acceptance! And that is what God gives to me!!!!

[Praise the Lord with all my heart]

[Your embrace- I see stardust?]


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