Monday, July 18, 2005


I just found out about, and I think I'm slow la! This guy's an amazing web designer who plays with flash, photoimpact etc... and his work is seriously awe inspiring. unerring taste in music, color and design, this guy is seriously good at what he does. I really hope that one day I can be as good at what I choose to do. I want to make as much of an impact he does! and trust me, he does. check him out at! Orisinal has cute games and the portfolio of the designer is seriously good. Gone are moving gifs and what nots, doomed are emoicons... this stuff is SO impressive that I literally tried every single one of the games in and was blown away by the profile of the enigmatic designer. heeeeelp! I'm so over-inspired and I can't do anything about it because my art is lousy. I want to know the secret to doing these things. How do people make such beautiful things? Write songs and works of literature (I watched 'The importance of being earnest' on screen)... siiigh. I'm inspired by the creativity that God gives and I want Him to give me more! moremoremoremoremore Please! Thank You!!! heh heh.

[Hyperly hyper]


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