Saturday, October 08, 2005

[Sepia Pictures]

I love the old. I love the feeling that comes with it. I love the rustic knowledge of whispered secrets and old winds blown. I love the sound of that guitar. I love the way it's grown to know its sound. I love the way it plays its best with ease. And although the occasional tear comes golden, embedded, and bronzed with these memories, I treasure them all the more.

Time heals all wounds, time blurs memory gently, familiar thoughts fade into a comfortable blur. Like fallen rose petals, my memories may not last the way I want them to, but they last in a way that is best for me. The ironies take out the pain of past mistakes, the flashbulb memories of big events put into place an eternal stamp of love.

Shades- darkening, lightening. ambiguity- ebbing, flowing. My hand moves, I am tempted to reach for what I cannot get back. For what is eternally lost to time will come back unwarped, and I will live it differently from how I remember it. No, it is the magic of time that works these wonders, and I must learn that this way is the best way to remember it all.

To all the people who are blazing memories in the scrapbook of my life, I am truly thankful for your love...

This nostalgia has reason. This nostalgia... if it lasts, may not be healthy. But I have a feeling it won't. =)

Deer... Can't wait to see you.. I miss you so bad girl..

Maaaaaaaaaaaaao, thanks. You're the best.

[ichogo no yume]


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