Tuesday, November 25, 2008

take a pill
and fix it.
If you put enough chemicals in your body
you can be skinny
have flawless skin
and be loved by everyone.

Screw you, artificial gimmicks, advertising and dumb marketing.
Your greed has probably contributed to the slow, narrow erosion of my self esteem.
But i'm not supposed to blame you
because it's my choice to feel how I feel.
The weird and the wonderful

I nestled amonst your blankets last night, afraid of life. I thought that if I could find the right smells, I would be able to remember my childhood, my life in KL and all the glossy memories of safety. I read Rupert of Hentzau until 2 am, and finally fell asleep next to teddy. I woke up sore, feeling the effects of reality shoved down my throat. I felt weak, blank and small.

Dear God, give me wisdom to know what to trust you for, and the faith to trust you for it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Personal Parasolia

It has been an eventful, or should I say adventful day. I'm drowning in advertistments after watching too many episodes of the Gruen transfer, and you should too! Love the hosts in that show.

We painted a parasol together in Fremantle on Sunday. I suppose that is meant to be romantic, but someone I just felt like a child enamoured with colour and texture.

The mob is crazy. I feel like I got stampeded with elephants again and again.

Thesis is handed in, there is no more Academia to come for a while. WHEE.

I leave in 8 days. Another woohoo.

I am so tired and zoned out that I am going to find more nasty room escape games to play online.
So long, chumps!