Thursday, July 28, 2005

Stuff it.

I went for orientation today, and was duly and accordingly orientated with a shortness of breath that strangely enough, left nothing to be desired. The lecturers, both familiar and new, eased themselves in and out of lecture halls with a boredom that diffused to each of the students. Whether it was the other way around, I cannot really say. There are a million things to do, and I wish there was as much money to spend, because the price of going to uni these days is really squeezing me dry. Another 200 odd for this sem, I think and yes, I will be pretty much wiped out. What with computer thingamajigs and new handbooks...

Biggest complaint: I don't get my day off! These wonderful uni people, they've scheduled me in such that I've got a lecture on tuesday and friday for 1 hour at a time. Then I go home. For the rest of the day. Why can't ya chuck it all together? What happened to my day off? Where's my Gelare Holiday? My long weekend? Thieves, I tell ya, thieves! Not to mention all the observation I'll be doing this semester on people's language samples. Hmm. Better get down to it.

On a separate note, I've just realised how unglam I look. It's probably not something I should be thinking about, but yeah, I just realised today. Sucks. Oh well. Maybe it's cos I was wearing the school Jumper, and that's not supposed to be glam. But then again, I am well aware of my unglam-ness, and that does not help at all. I hate functions now.

Okie dokes~ off to read my bible. hehe. I'll feel better about being unglam then~ Oooh and talking to Jojo now! Haii... Haven't talked to her in SO SO long! baby blues babe!

p.s. Had a rotten time today, but I will learn to pick up! Shikkari! Thanks to Jojo for reminding me. ;) Love ya girl.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

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Thursday, July 21, 2005

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

.:[simplicity and superficiality]:.

Yeay! I've got my new skin up! And I've worked on the colors a little. Very simple la, but I'm pretty satisfied. Except that I want the links to be a little larger... Hmm. I'll leave that for another day! I'm happy happy happy... Melly came over today and I had a really really superb time with her. We've started our line of products, the Modish Miss designer items. We tried the first of our delicacies from her receipe and they turned out very well! It's super fattening but hey.. it's VERY nice.. yumyumyum.

Now what's all this about simplicity and superficiality?? I don't really know. All I know is that I scribbled it down on a piece of paper under a flower. It seems to make some sort of vague sense, but I really haven't much of a clue. Does it matter?

I love the song on Lydia's blog! Skin Deep~ very nice... I just said bye to my dardar.. and I got called mushy.. *pout* My Darl what.. cannot meh! hahahaa. Anyways, I've made Ale's birthday present! And yes I am satisfied! Yeayy...

Okae la, going to go concentrate on non-computery stuff. hehehe love this sooong!!

[We were Fashioned with Passion][He made us more than Skin Deep]

Monday, July 18, 2005


I just found out about, and I think I'm slow la! This guy's an amazing web designer who plays with flash, photoimpact etc... and his work is seriously awe inspiring. unerring taste in music, color and design, this guy is seriously good at what he does. I really hope that one day I can be as good at what I choose to do. I want to make as much of an impact he does! and trust me, he does. check him out at! Orisinal has cute games and the portfolio of the designer is seriously good. Gone are moving gifs and what nots, doomed are emoicons... this stuff is SO impressive that I literally tried every single one of the games in and was blown away by the profile of the enigmatic designer. heeeeelp! I'm so over-inspired and I can't do anything about it because my art is lousy. I want to know the secret to doing these things. How do people make such beautiful things? Write songs and works of literature (I watched 'The importance of being earnest' on screen)... siiigh. I'm inspired by the creativity that God gives and I want Him to give me more! moremoremoremoremore Please! Thank You!!! heh heh.

[Hyperly hyper]

*-[The Manner of an Upside Down Countenance]`+

The way some people sulk is most certainly audacious! I can't see how they do it, and I can't abide by it. It's passe for that age, and unlikely to ever be fashionable again.

Never mind, I shall let that go and look into matters of more importance. One is hair dye, the other is time. I just dyed my hair purple. Yes, PURPLE. and yes, the whole head. wheee! Rachel was horrified and I'm sure Lydia will be mighty pleased. I think it's time for Josh to dye his head green! or Pink. it will match the XYQ tee. Anyway, the other issue is clocking my 25 driving hours. It is such a pain! I drove for ages and it turned out to be only 38 minutes. Siiigh... when am I going to get my P plate!!!!!

I'm very sian. I wanted to write more, but all my ling gan is gone. I think it's because I want to watch TV! hehehe. Well, I'm off! And Sotong.. I feel like eating Sotong!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

.:[Creme Brulee]:.

I'm on the verge of opening a chololat shoppe and bringing in every kind of chocolate and wine known to man. Since that isn't really feasible, I've rather decided to take stock of everything I own in this rented house of mine. As that sounds very time comsuming and also very pointless, I will probably also scrap that and go for something easier, such as making an inventory of all furniture that I own. In which case, this will aid in the holiday project I am doing to ensure that when I do finally move house, I will know where to put what. The prospects excite me. Underneath it all, I still love interior design. *sigh* what in the world am I doing??

My results did come back after all that agonising over it. I tried to access the dumb web site and it didn't want to open! When I finally did get it open, I found a level of consistency that astounded me. I got the same grade for every single one of the 5 units I was taking. What are the chances? They're all a grade 8, whatever that means. Anyhows, I'm glad that's over... I remember coming out of the Human Bio paper thinking, "50% is way too high". I guess we all worried about it, and maybe too much. After all, I didn't get any supplementary papers.

I keep thinking about Orchard. Random places keep coming to mind, and I miss home again. Lately, I've been complaining about takoyaki. Ask Melly- they've all been telling me to wait 1/2 a year more to eat my takoyaki!!! I've had such bad cravings that I'm tempted to apply for a job at Yuki's, a jap restaurant 15 mins drive from my place. But I still can't drive. That's why I have to pass my driving tomorrow! For Takoyaki! No la, it's just really expensive NOT to pass. So yeah...

Yea, I'm just tired now.. meh meh went back to SG permanently! Siiiiigh.

Post Production
The Lovable cast !!!
Now that holidays are finally here, exam results are out, and I have a pending driving test tomorrow, I have finally found the time to put up pictures of the cast of 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'.

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Chan Woo- the small hyperactive individual who plays Peter D'Cruz in this Singaporean film. Although he is korean and very prone to slapping his make up artist to get his face done, he's a lovable kid in the end who hates waiting for food/ call time/ things in general.

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Shannon- or, Shan-On, as her plastic container of food says. She's a funky gal who works in marketing and doubles up as the dutiful wife Peck Yah D'Cruz. She's the most experienced of all the actors and brings a lot of life to the stage. (not to mention a lot of backstage laughs with Susie her wig.) Her brother prefers her with the wig, actually. Her real hair's so funky!!

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Fleance- the obnoxious Henry D'cruz, a personal trainer in real life. He had to wear red and gold for the show... it's a wonder Simon had that color of shirts in his wardrobe...

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Sanjeev!!!!! My favourite Grandpa! He looks so cute here don't you think? One of Chan Woo's little friends came up to him and shook his hand, saying, "Hi Grandpa!", and didn't want to let go! Jeev is so fun to watch on stage, he hardly looks his age!

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Annisa is half indo... so so pretty! She plays the rebellious Vannessa D'Cruz, and has lovely shoes! I want!

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Angelique plays the wonderful Dorothy D'Cruz, grandmama! She told me all about Singapore Airlines, should I ever want to apply there one day... She's very nice to talk to and hates hair spray... I don't wonder why. =) Ange likes to sleep between scenes and read newspapers to keep herself occupied. What else is there to do between runs anyway?

I will post up pictures of the crew soon... when I have the time... and meanwhile dad wants to use the computer! So... tata!

Friday, July 01, 2005


I'm back from camp! Haha... I'm so tired and so worn out.. but I'm feeling much better today! Siiiigh...yeaah... Haven't had the chance to ring my besties and fill them in on my quite boring life...

Went for Grant's funeral... siiigh. For ever and ever, farewell..

Camp's changed my life forever again. Every time I go for camp, my life changes... and it keeps changing... and I love it. hahah.

Things however, are a little wonky here and there. I'm learning so much from what I'm going through...and I love it... and to be honest and truthful, sometimes I'm so tempted to throw myself away. On feelings, on food, on friends... haha, my alliteration is coming back.. but yeah, I'm just glad that God is preserving my heart and really guarding me. I just pray that I'll remain open to his spirit to work in me. I want to let him have free reign in my life.. and I want to see His work in my life.

[No wanna nanaba]