Aubergine and Sakura get along just fine, which is great. I've now fulfilled another item on my bucket list because of this- recording voice memos of random thoughts so I can blog even more randomly than I already do! YahoO!
There were only 2 voice memos today and they really did help me remember my thoughts because I have random thoughts in the car most of the time and by the time I got home I couldn't remember ANYTHING I had put down. So maybe this could really work! I can now remember things I wouldn't remember by the time i got in front of a computer.
My client's 8 year old son got an ipod for his birthday. I don't feel so bad now about my iphone. Heh. heh. That's perspective for you.
I have to play russian roulette with the cars at work. Because I work between two offices I am never sure how much petrol is in a car at any one time and have to just get in and drive off to find out. The bad thing is, when I drive into the hills, I can cut it pretty close. It's frustrating to have to guess how much petrol there is left. So I always try to book the same car in each office (so I don't have to keep shifting the seat and mirrors).
Dennis loves Ray. He said something gay the other day like, "If Terry (another drummer) wants to ask me out and be good friends and do gay stuff like drink coffee at a cafe that's all fine but I will have to tell him my heart is with Ray." I don't need to worry about female competition all right.
And those green tic tacs? They're getting round.
over and out, chh chhh!