Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things that make you die young
1. Fighting
2. MacDonald's
3. Indo mee
4. Breaking up
5. Kenny G
6. Smoking
7. Drugs
8. Asbestos
9. Red Bull
10. Downloading Illegal Music
11. Testosterone
12. Farting
13. Handphone Radiation
14. Fraternity Parties
15. Polygamy
16. Bittergourd and Beetroot Juice
17. Indo Mee Cartons
18. Smog
19. Illiteracy
20. Chocolate

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Funny Old World

We live in a funny world.
We plant trees by our roadside
and drive around in metal chunks.
We trade paper.
We keep round pieces of metal in fabric
and bring it wherever we go.
We look out into space
And down into the deep.
We pass one another
In disdainful recognition.
Oh, it's another human.
We move along, and the world- it turns.
We get by and history laughs at our mistakes.
There's so little we can do
Yet everything is in our hands.
Hitler, Mother Theresa.
I think they knew.
World Wars, Revolutions, devastations, triumphs.
We've been there.
And the world -it still turns.
It's awful and awesome all at once.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

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The summer wind came blowin' in
From across the sea
It lingered there so warm and fair
All summer long
we sang a song
And then we strolled on golden sand
Like painted skies, those days and nights
They went flying by
The world was new
Beneath the bright blue
Umbrella sky
-Summer Wind, Frank Sinatra

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Stress inspires me artistically. But that's not it. I met two people today who really showed me that hardship made them perservere joyfully. Yes, the key word is joyfully. I see how they live life and i'm ashamed to gripe anymore. Yayness, the next couple of weeks to come are so exciting.

A single rose. I'm satisfied.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I know I know.

Photoblogging is an excuse not to write because "pictures speak a thousand words". Well apparantly it's unforgivable so here I am trying to redress my neglect and placate my scarce/non-existant readership.

University drags me in from 9-4 every odd day and I am not impressed that my holiday has been snip-snipped neatly away. But the lectures have been intensive and productive. And clinic starts next week. 1, 2, 3, everyone together now! Stop Hyperventilating! All the lecturers have been very concerned and while some have crammed information down my already blocked airway, others have tried to make the transition a little more palatable. Many thanks to all, I can only signal my gratitude in sign language, my mouth is still full thankyouverymuch.

The teacher's resource library is a lifesaver. I've found heaps of stuff that is useful for my tuition and I'm grateful to their wonderful borrowing system! I'm really excited about clinic and tuition but I'm also aware that what it entails is A LOT OF WORK (read: No Social Life).

I went to Crazy Clark's with Su this afternoon and picked up hot chocolate, a couple of cards and an exercise book. I need to buy stamps tomorrow and get my unit outlines. Uni was so crowded today I dread going in tomorrow but at least we got heaps of freebies today. And my clinic group is nice. We're so going to pig out on Thursdays.

Everyone's come home at last. Well, it's not home for them but it's home for me. Even went to see the old bean but he wasn't in! Called me at a bad time as usual. He's good at that. Too bad he wasn't around when I went to disturb him. never mind, I've got a whole sem to do that!

Things haven't all been smooth recently, but my parents have been the most wonderful enduring people ever. I'm so thankful that they're so supportive and I'm racking my brains for their anniversary! Not to mention mum's birthday is coming up too. Heh.

I've never been here before. I don't know what to do, don't know how to act, don't know what to think. But like everyone else, I walk the path untrodden because the old beaten road just doesn't cut it this time round.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

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Mummy, daddy, meet my new love. Maggie Sottero is your friend for only $2385 which you can pay off in 5 monthly installments.

I had my first tutoring session today. It resulted in a lot of self reflection and a little trepedation because I realised how much I have ahead of me and that I don't know how to help this kid as much as I would like to. Although I got a pretty good idea of what's going on, I need to find out what works and what doesn't. I need to get more material and a better understanding of treatment. And for once, I get to find out myself and not be spoonfed by lecturers. I'm excited. I'm thrilled. I get to tithe something I've earned, for once.
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This is what I've slogged my ass off for for two years?!?!?!!?!?!?

But it's worthwhile. Oh, sweet Satisfaction!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

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Hello Stranger. Tell me about your world?

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

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Happy Valentine's Day!
February 14, 2007.

It's been a wonderful day. Thank the Lord for His goodness, for people, for food, for love.

And for Surprises.

=) Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Valentine's Day is coming.

Ideas, anyone?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Everyone knows that life isn't fair. But fair is a spectrum. Fair is the perfect pitch of a semitone, fair is when your petrol reaches half tank, fair is when the risk of forest fires are 'moderate', fair is 5 on a scale of one to ten.

Mostly we notice fairness when it's not in our favor, but if you took the time to count up, the fairness scale might tip advantageously most of the time, making life, in all truthfulness, unfair. So yes, life is probably unfair. And that's the way you'd like it, wouldn't you?

Monday, February 05, 2007

A desert rose,
Rare and sweet.
It grows by the spring of Living Water.

I believe what you say.
I accept it.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

There's magic in the air,
There's something strange in this fanfare.
A jump, a skip, a lilting song,
A timely dance
Under the streetlamp's streaming gaze.

I wish it no end, although I enjoyed a beginning. I wish for the establishment of new things where once I had no care. How sweet is the world from this angle, behind these lens?