Friday, July 20, 2007


I guess I've been too busy to blog.. =(=( hehhe. Now I can't get back into the swing of things either. Nyah...

Life changes so quickly, in a twinkling it is not as it was. Thats actually quite comforting.

Two old friends contacted me recently. I'm happy.

And Zak took pooh bear shopping in Garden City. He got 2 comments for carrying Pooh around for 2 hours. ONLY 2. maybe 3. But not really. And Pooh didn't get his honey after all.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


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Doesn't it look as if this picture is from a Raoul Ad? Heheheh. I want to sell it to Raoul! Well anyway, this marks the post which is 7 months overdue. This is: best of the bistro night & Christmas in Singapore!

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Clifford's camera took these pictures. See! He is such a jie mei right? He poses just like the rest of us girls. Hahhahah. And he's been caught out with.. *gasp*.. Juicy Couture!

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Lydia: muaaaaaaaaa----- I'm gonna kissssss you...
Sare: *squirmy* EeeeEeEeeeyaaaarrrr! erm. ok!

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MRT glass.. not only protects us from a moving train.. it's also for vainpots like us. =) waiting time seems less, right? We look like part of an elite gang.

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Ask Raoul to hire you as their new Asian face!

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Triple power! Gogo powerpufff (fun, fair, frisky?!?!??!)

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With a minimal amount of plastic surgery, we could be virtually unidentifiable, one from the other. =D

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Merry Christmas 2006 everyone. I know I'm late, but there's Christmas in July!

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Sara: Hmmm.. Should I give you this sweetie? I want to keep the WHOLE BASKET for myself.
Cliff: STOP! You must let me ride that trolley before I give you a Christmas present.

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Esther possesses major skill when it comes to capturing children on camera. =) even though she thinks her camera is crappy.

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The End.
V was talking to me about this the other day. It makes better sense now. =)

"The ministry of One-Anothering doesn't require a platform, a pulpit, a building, a budget, or a Board. You can start immediately, with no training and with no experience, and you don't have to quit your job or do anything dramatic. You cannot be voted in, and you cannot be voted out. The Life you possess qualifies you to be in the full-time ministry of One-Anothering. Your wounds are your credentials. " - I got this in an email.

Life is more peaceful in a strange way. I do really just want to getaway from it all- the stress and the hustle and bustle. I'll try to finish my work quick so that I can have a couple of days off for real.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I had the time of my life yesterday.

I really did.

I'm a convert! Someone must be happy about that.

1 rainbow. Well timed rain. Serenity. Creation!
I think you all must think I am manic-dep or something. But I'm not.

I'm so happy! =) =) =)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

I am really annoyed right now. Even though I told God that I want to be unoffendable. Is this supposed to be the beginning of my training? I don't think I've fared very well. Because SOMEONE IS GOING TO COP IT REAL BAD. AND TOO BAD FOR WHOEVER IT WAS.

1. Success in endangering lives on the road.
2. Success in TRYING to make me feel worthless. (try only ok, it didn't work.)
3. Success in making me very grumpy.
4. Success in inflating your ego so big I nearly suffocated.
5. Success in Chauvanism. GAH.

What a change from my usual non-confrontational self. I actually want to tell it like it is to your face! Which must make you really exceptional. But since God made you too I must treat you with respect and dignity. Even though I'm mad. And I'll probably regret showing this side of myself now.