Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
We joked about this while coming out of the car, and at the time it seemed funny because the thought had also occured to me in a similar way prior to the discussion, but now it doesn't seem so funny anymore. I'm beginning to think I must be very, very, very wicked. So was what's his name in Sleepless in Seattle. How about Panicked in Perth? or Abberant in Australia? I am so frustrated with my work I could cry. No, I don't even bother using a livejournal to lock my entries because yes, I am a shameless hussy who wants everyone to know that a normal bachelors degree is darn-diggity good enough for her without the extra (hons.) Damn you, you power hungry amazonian. You could have saved yourself the pain and the normalsaline.
Blank Stare
I feel stupid. They are still spelling my name wrong and I will need to hound student central but since when does anyone have time for those things when they don't even have time to sharpen claws to catfight over stupid limited resources. I don't know what skills I am meant to learn from this, but yah, maybe the corporate world really does have such an amazing resource to clinician ratio that I need to elbow my way through.
Fight Fight Fight.
Everytime I optimistically post that I will not give up, I have been so close. Everytime I said I would give up, I've been too scared. So I'm sitting here, in this stupid freaking freaking torture chamber, for another 6 friggin months! AHHHHH STUPID DECISION!!!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Everyday is a celebration-
Of sillyness and seriousness alikes,
Of life and of love.
Jesus speaks. He lives, so alive, so within.
I've always been afraid of the mundane.
After talking to Su yesterday
I think I may never have to be afraid of that.
Jesus is here.
I can finish this year right? Right.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I feel like such a boring adult, excited that Easter means I get a holiday! But I will have so much work on my hands it is not funny! The toilets at the primary school are so funny. The teachers there stick things on the walls to read, and the one for today:
Virginity is like a balloon, one prick, all gone.
I finished my mid placement assessment, and I feel a little bit better at the way things are going. I've got new sehsi heels but I am not suiting them too well because it's like an elephant on a pongo stick. I think I shall try cutting my hair tonight. Singapore's perks are in the manner of what goes, not what comes.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Such a strange flower arrangement but I am contented.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
There is no rest, is there, for the wicked?
Is there no where to lay thine sickened head,
thine weary heart
that weary hearted man that has no care
for care no longer hath him.
He, to care, and care to he, be dead.
Hope be to him alive, or alive not,
such petals plucked from withered stems
Have little sweat, and no maiden virtue.
To the listless, they are white
To the angered, patchy green,
But to the hopeless
The petals are best stayed upon their broken stem.
Sadness bringth sleep, it should be stayed.
Come never again, be stayed from me.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Because I did.
But It's sink or swim.
So I will tell you instead
That there will be no white flag above my door.
The way cry, by the way, isn't working.
Maybe that's why they yell ARRRRGH and pull their hair
instead of yelling chocolate.
Maybe they were some really frustrated people too.
You would be too, if broadband hadn't been invented.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Goodnight pig, the party's over.
What a tropical, sand-filled, knight in shining armour, falsely shocking, heroic, romantic, sunny, hungry/full, naughty, flowery, parking-lotish, lovely party it was.
And what a sweet sweet aftertaste-
of pinot.
The sweet paradise on top of the bedside drawer has crept apart and my room has become a tropical jungle quite suited for the amazonian savage that I am today. I am proud to leave sweet country behind and prowl menacingly into dangerous territory, knowing that one must eat, or be eaten. Savage beast, merciless vixen, voracious reader and ruthless computer-user 131 all pull together in some ancient tradition of the human spirit's need to survive and the emergent human (barely) just may survive in today's society of social niceties while getting to the other end of the year. In all, the resounding war cry emerges amist the roars of rushing waterfall...
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Norman is normal. Guess you would have figured that out.
Hello Stanley.
Guess what Stan is like? No prizes.
Life is getting back to normal. It's true; jumping right back into the deep end thinking it's sink or swim really gives me the warm fuzzies. It's such a matter-of-fact day but it's also very whimsical. I am tired from uni and work but the balance has worked out nicely because now I have the motivation to do something intellectual. So I shall try. I have too many books to read.
No Input, No Output.
I realise I need to put something in my brain before going to work so that I can chew it like cud while cutting bread instead of zoning out for 5 hours. Hurray for the thinkers- time well used is surely time saved.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Your positive support really is gratifying
Especially when you're busy mauling each other to pieces.
I find it so hard to want to be with you all
when you don't care about anything other than your gain
and when you become passive-aggressive like that
I have a sudden desire to slap you.
I have a feeling that one day.
I may tell you to your face how ridiculous you are.
So God help me hold my peace/piece.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Wanna play switcheroo? Apply on my tag. Provide life details please. Workload, financial income, life problems negotiable. Boyfriend not included.
I have to finish my lit review by tonight! And on top of having NO motivation to do it properly, I have to start prac tomorrow and end it with cell group. I am NOT looking forward. Cell is draining.
Monday, March 03, 2008
I have problems filling up the lines on my pages with worth while content.
Nevermind. I believe that the last of the intense summer heat
will mimic my own forehead later
as I decide to cheong and make these 5 to 9 pages a great improvement on the last.
Can I say this again?
YARRRGHZ! (war-cry of the unambitious untame unkempt amazonian)