Friday, October 30, 2009


I could scream this aloud all outside my house, but since I have already screamed "where is my laptop???" I shall refrain.

My new laptop has come! I am so excited that it is passion purple! Although I cannot see the purple when I am typing on it. Anyhow, I am really happy since my old 6 yr old laptop could hardly take anymore and refused to connect to the internet just now. Accordingly, I have named my new purple laptop after my favourite purple thing!!! (no not barney). I have named it.......... aubergine~! No, not everyone likes eggplants, but I really do like eggplants and so do the japanese, come the end of autumn.

And although my iphone has kept me alive the past few weeks, I am very pleased to be blogging on a real computer. :)

Dennis has been so so good to me lately i feel guilty! He put the chicken in the fridge (not freezer) so I could cook him lunch today and bought noodles for me to cook today's dinner so I didnt have to go out today because I feel like my brain is leaking. :)

CSF... out my nose...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Sara got her *itshallnotbenamed*.

It was a perfectly tiring Friday. After laminating large pieces of A1 sheets that wouldn't stand on their own (and slid on each other like spineless jellyfish), she ploughed down to Lakeside to buy a 3 step sipper cup for her client (she couldn't justify doing this during work time), and went to Coles, Woolies, Kmart and Target to look for the aforesaid condemned product that was not to be found ANYWHERE. Finally, Big W, on the other side of the mall, carried 4. She bought the yellow and green one, and left.

She tried to call Den, but got cut off because pre-paid calling to postpaid lines were super expensive. Tired from troughing through the mall for a cup, she had finally had it. "I am buying a postpaid line!", she said to him sternly when he called back, unaware of the punctuational errors in her sentence. Ok, said the placcid and wonderful he (upon his laurel of Friday afternoon work, he sat), and asked what phone she wanted.

"I don't know..." said she.. "All i really need is navigator function. I am otherwise perfectly happy with my now defunct Samsung X640 and my own intuitive sense of direction as a cheap alternative to AI navigation."

"Are you sure you don't want a *beep*?" said he, having acquired a classic white one with it's fruity logo just the week before and taken quite a beating from her about it.

silence ensued.

"I don't know," she finally sighed. "I don't need a *beep*, and I can't justify spending that much money on a phone that I really don't need. My ancient, scratched and donkey-old Samsung is well loved and truly functional. Besides, I have a sex and the city ring tone that my colleagues laugh at (and I don't even watch that show)."

Playing a devil's advocate, he calmed advised her that either phone was fine, but it would not hurt to buy the iphone. When this tact didn't work, he decided to be a good old caramelised sugar daddy and buy it for her.

When you think about an mP3 player fused with a tomtom, with a bible, with a diary, with a nintendo DS... I guess that just barely makes the cut.

I am a hypocrite who abhors techies on mobiles and am slowly becoming one myself...

Save me..............

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Spring has sprung

The cherry blossoms outside of the office have disappeared for another year. How sad.

The warm weather is very endearing and I feel strange that the sun has been so merciless- changing seasons is confusing!

Youth camp is over. :) I had fun helping with the stage decor. Pottery will be collected from biscing on saturday and I will think of another yummy dish to cook soon! Cooking and bento making has been a staple.. I really enjoy renkon when it is caramelised! Not to mention my first attempts at charaben! I don't have the pictures but I will get them off Dennis.

Tomorrow is Friday, glorious Friday.

after not having a wishlist for years and feeling like I couldn't think of anything I want for Birthday/ Christmas, I have finally caved into a deep hole.

I currently want:
1. more signo pens (have run out), and mechanical pencils
2. Witchery shoes
3. Laptop
4. new phone
5. bento accessories
6. bento books
7. a house!

Don't worry too much about the house. God is going to get me that and he has already said so. So I guess you guys will just have to buy me stationery? :)