Friday, January 22, 2010

A New Era

I had stopped thinking for so long that by the time it was time to say goodbye, the feelings had set in and a stampede of thoughts suddenly burst through the door. For 3 weeks I was numb, enjoying the January peace of the office, enjoying the social time we had left. I shopped with Foong and took rides from her. We shared asian lollies that I bought in for the snack corner. I wrote up all my notes and handed everything in. I said goodbye to Pete.

Steve (who says anything for a nice girl like you) released access to my new office and did not close off access to Joondalup 'just in case i wanted to come back'. Maggie said a lovely goodbye, Jane emailed and Steph texted. It's not been easy to trust this move. And on the way home I couldn't hold it in anymore. I cried and cried and the Lord came near to me. He said, "I am the God that prunes". One branch must die for a good one to grow, and it isn't always the bad things we get to wave goodbye to.

I have thoroughly enjoyed myself in the north and I am not too sure about South's enthusiasm thus far. However, I am thoroughly convinced that this is a move of God- whether His plan is to grow me or spread me further out, this is part of it all.

Everyone rocked up for tea and cake (I had a berry cup!) and I got a LOVELY cake decorating book and two sets of piping equipment as well as a whopping big card to say farewell.

It hurts so much to say goodbye because today I discovered I love you.
"Well", He said, "Go and love the new people too then."
So I said yes.

No more fear
and no whinging either this time.

Thank you for everything, Northies. You mean so much to me and I will be thinking of you often. It's hard to say goodbye because my first job has been a dream come true.

Friday, January 08, 2010

316 sleeps to go.

I am excited because the signing is not more than a month away! To be honest, I really needed to have an exciting event to break the monotony of 730 days of waiting for the wedding.. and this is it! 2nd Feb wraps the 1/2 way marker nicely and I am glad to have a wedding-y event to be happy about. I have passed the 1/2way mark!

I'm getting a transfer south and I will be starting on the 27th of Jan 10, which is nice. I think (and have been told) that the travelling time will do wonders to my personal life. I really do anticipate that as a huge bonus. Not to mention I can go home for lunch if I really want to.

I am beginning to realise that we do need to have some sort of wedding ceremony or celebration in Perth. It would be terrible not to share it with everyone here! So maybe we will have a buckinhen palace party (combined bucks and hens), and then have a celebration upon return. :)

Denise and I are yet to cook our kitchen dinner! We must make haste.