Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Yes, The weather people were right. It stormed. And if I wasn't fat, I would have been blow clean off the ground. Everyone around me was flying in multiple directions. And there I was holding on to my umbrella like a stubborn Mary Poppins while the world flew around me swirling, whirling. I got a little drenched but the umbrella managed a minimal amount of damage control. I'm grateful enough.

Rollercoastering is not fun. Morning school is an all time low like a hangover, and afternoons are a plateau. Evenings are spiked with heroin and I'm out almost every night chilling. The cycle repeats, and all that is left is a murky midnight leading in to tomorrow's hangover that feels surreal and time-warpish. The only reason I go to uni is that I am genuinely interested in the material, which is the ultimate in Nerdom. Do i get my degree now?!?!!?

Fashionista Fiesta should include a Nerd section with Lab coats and scrubs. Sexy scrubs and Lucious Lab coats? hahah. meep. Will dissapear now, and leave you with something cryptic, because there is no point in embarrassing myself with explanations I must regret. This is the WWW of course. I've already been in trouble once.

Some people you will miss when they go, some leave in a different way than you think. Some you lose to time, some to quarrels, some you lose because you love them more than they want to be loved by you. Some go with age, others with pain. But whoever gets on or off my train, I will be with them for a season, and it reasons that I need to 'do life' with them as best as I can because our paths may never cross the way they cross now. To whoever's on board now, I hold dear the things we make that belong only to us and only for now. Play hard, love hard, cry hard, because there will never be another day like today.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I walked out to the car last night to look for my organiser, and I stepped on a snail! It went crunch and I freaked out. The one creature I cannot stand. Ask Adrian.

Searched for journals all morning and now I am out of time. Got to run for class! Weather people say it's going to storm. Pttth.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I'm a part tea animal. An animal (aminal) partly made of tea.

My blood consists of jaffas, white chocolate and poached eggs while tea is my plasma. My lipids are lemon juice. I run purely on caffiene and I am either Hyper or asleep.

I feel so Blase. That's the curse of this generation, our boredom of life and it's supposed meaninglessness. We pride ourselves that we've found the meaning of life and that it has no meaning, congratulating one another in our justification of self degradation. Why this apathy? I identify with it, I experience it, but I have no means of quantifying it. Label it, define it, give it a name; that solves nothing!

The ennui of experiencing life as myself is stifling. I have a headache and I dearly want to fall asleep and wake up as someone else (someone better, I hope).

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It's been turmulous. I kinda identify more with Rachel's lover situation now. It's a little different for me, but if you know you can't make things work, it's best to give it up. Sighz. Yes, I forced the break-up; Rachel's just jumping between Harry Potter and the grunge next-door-neighbour Beng. Hai; heartbroken over giving up my darling- But I have to.. Or face other dire consequences, like walking around with a paper bag over my head for the rest of my 3 years in uni. No no, not good. Too humiliating. I thought I'd branch out- do something I'm not used to, but hey, stick with what you know. (Isn't life sad when you don't have time to devote entirely to one thing and get good at it? Skating, singing, it's all the same.)

It's kinda low though. I feel like chocolate. I think I really did my best to make it work, more's the pity. For once, I wanted this pretty bad and I got it and I was just about to eat my chocolate when I stupidly decided to give it away. Good girl. Good me. Good grief!

But hey... when life throws you lemons, You know what to do...

Poo, I want chocolate. Still don't know what I'm yakking about? It's starts with a pee and ends with a yano.

"Excuse me Sir, I couldn't help but overhear, which is often the case when people shout."- Alan Shore. Boston Legal. I love Alan Shore.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Don't Know Much
Look at this face, I know the years are showing,
Look at this life, I still don't know where it's going,
I don't know much, but I know I love you,
That may be all I need to know.

Look at these eyes, they've never seen what matters,
Look at these dreams, so beaten and so battered,
I don't know much, but I know I love you,
And that may be all I need to know.

So many questions, still left unanswered,
So much I've never broken through,
And when I feel you near me,
Sometimes I see so clearly,
The only truth I've ever known, is me and you.

Look at this man, so blessed with inspiration,
Look at this soul, still searching for salvation,
I don't know much, but I know I love you,
That may be, all I need to know
I don't know much, but I know I love you,

That may be, all I need to know

- Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville.