Knowticed is semantically more correct, don't you think?
Eddicted : Addicted to editing
Ifficiency : Giving your word but performing only when u feel like it.
Chilldren : Tiny tots who give you the shivers.
I love nutella.
The Artistic Scientist
I love nutella.
Nightingale, Sing us a Song. Arrrrrr!
May and I haven't a clue about the trash we talk (The title is an example), unless of course it's serious. I was sore about pirates, and thought the first one infinitely better. I'm watching it now, in fact. Hai. I love my Jack. Jack in a locker. Jack in a Kraken. I'm sure he'll come back to me!
Life is fragile. Uncle Dennis is deteriorating. I cried coming out of the hospice.
Papa is coming home tomorrow. I am glad.
I got the piano part for the production!
I know too many people's secrets. I wonder how this came to be. It's so funny to shut my mouth about absolutely everything.
I had a glorious time in Cottesloe with Jen and Jon. I can't explain, really. But it was everything I wanted- time slowed down, and when that happened, perspective changed. It was so surreal, so majestic.
"It's a sign."
And she accuses me of being lame?????? (What's the sign for anyway? A yes? or a No? or a WHAT ARE YOU- OUT OF YOUR MIND?)