My tummy has been giving me weird problems since yesterday.. I suspect the milk in the staff lounge wasn't good, but then again, my eating has been weird. My sleep has been weird. My clinic life has been taking a toll on basic function. But I guess it's ok. I'm already halfway through treatment term, and it won't be long till we are doing assessments, which will probably mean that I will not need to write session plans?
I will be doing other equally time consuming things, such as collating data. I can't wait till this year is over. It's not that I need something new- my mind is constantly overloaded anyway, but I just want to know that all this pressure (somehow, somehow gradually turning into pain) will be over soon. I know that all I can do is pace myself, and hopefully find some way to drain the pressure- even out the workload, lessen the intensity... I wonder if Curtin understands how much their students go through.. would they consider making this a 5 year course?
On the other hand, I am enjoying the kids. The children, the tuition, the working, the helping, the progress, the movement toward something postive. And the acknowledgement of this. So they were right after all- I would end up working with kids! And who knew, I'm really enjoying them so much. They say such cute funny things. Their solution to not having any apples is to grow an apple tree. (No apples, no seeds? Grow tree = 1 night?)
Tyler has changed my mind. I was adverse to change, I wanted to think he was a little brat. But he's pretty good. And he figured out how to bridge the gap, not me. And he did the work to bridge that gap. On top of that, he's not talking back anymore. "Miss, I really like this story."
I like the cute little half blonde half brunette too, with his too big grin and shy manner. I like P and B, who so have got something going on, with their smiles and wriggles and laughs. I don't like Z who sucks up to people, or L who, at 5, needs to brag all he can while he can. But these kids.. who knows where they will be, how they will be once they're grown. When I am old, these are the children who will be living their lives at their peak. What will they be like?