Thursday, September 28, 2006

Homecoming Queen.

I've learnt the art of doorknobbing. Arriving home at 3 am, I wake no soul and for the 4th night in a row, steal into the light of the bathroom and prep for bed. It's so irresistable spending these nights out with wonderful (not necessarily sane) people. Lethal Combination: Esther, Gerry, Tash and I! Puny Punny people, we laugh so hard Esther has to hold her eyes for fear of crow's feet. Hey Shortie! It's your birthday! And I hope it's a wonderful one.

I love wrecking havoc with all of you, and life isn't the same without Ger's "caught in the headlights", "ROX SOX" or "Why you so lidat?". I wish i was a prawn cracker~!

There is something undeniably special about all of you, and about us coming together. It's an indeliable sense that chemistry is present and that our colors are dynamic and changing. Whether slapstick (you know I'm talking to you, princess!), riotous, bananafied or acronymish, it convulses me and my toes giggle. I'm thankful for you all, knowing the Lord has provided in a special way.

Funny things I've been doing recently:
1. Suntanned in my front yard at 4.30 pm
2. Danced at 11 pm in the SV carpark with music blasting
3. Proposed in-car sleepover party
4. Honked Horn at 12 midnight for a good 3 seconds.
5. Drawn on fogged windscreen with toes (that laughed)
6. Sang loud, silly songs with Esther.

I'm having a blast.. and I'm supposed to be doing work?!?!?!?!. In lalaland. Like now.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Living on Lunch.

Technically I've violated the rules of our bet. I am becoming increasingly ruthless. It's time to stop all that, because today I've come to the point where indo mee reared its ugly head (Twice, and twice I gave in) and even though I am dead tired, I know I cannot do this anymore. It's back to salad and oatmeal, and if I wasn't so dazed i would have stopped myself?!?! Evil Noodle.

I think JonBenet is better off dead. No child was made for reasons such as those.

I passed half a dozen people in the streets today; three of which I knew, three of which struck me as those sort of people- the people I never knew. Stories oozing out of them, the only way distal intentions were realised. I can't help thinking I am one of them to someone else with the same strange meta-awareness. Do they even exist? Left-handed thinkers, abstractors, people who know they know.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Bangwall's Origin

Let me restrain myself and explain that bangwall logic, as I am devastated to announce, is not a product of poor Neville's flights of Academia that have deviated along a troubled railway. Bangwall logic, I am humiliated to admit, originated from a stem in my brain. The recent events have proved it. I am all but immortal.
Sara, what a thing to do. What a thing to do just to bag a bird, as they used to say. You foolish foolish woman.

And you undeservedly slightly enraptured one.

What can I say? Life is unfair and fair and unfair all at once sometimes.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I love GTPBC

Yes. That is part of the BB (baskin brrobbins) selection! Green Tea and Peanut Butter Chocolate! Drives me craaaazy! And I have not eaten all morning..

Do you know, traffic in curtin is timely and hourly, with a stream of people entering and leaving at the close of every hour and the beginning of the next? That's why classes are ridiculously scheduled such that no one will ever get good parking. Moo Choo. I need to start riding a motorcycle. be a biker chic. Grow a beard. Growl at anyone who steals my parking. And drink campbell soup. Muahahaa.

The other thing I was thinking about is completely unrelated, but that's just me. Observe my disjointed thought train. I shall never be a railroad driver. I got into TAF club when I was primary 2 and cried my way home from the bus stop. I realise now how cruel they were not to notice the hidden code of humiliation the acronym brought. Dont people analyse these things? Cheesh. For years I stood as tubby just because a graph and a couple of numbers told me so. I wonder if it at all affected the way I see fat now. (Or at least my view on Lard and Butter.)
I miss you, and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you you you you you you you youyouyouyouyouyouyouyouyouyouuuuuuuuuuu.

Wait for me to come back in December ok? Don't run away, especially to Perth. The irony of that is unforgivable *glares at guilty-someone*. It should be a champagne year for us, to a decade of friendship. Duty-free!!!!!! Wheee! I'm already semi-hyped thinking about seeing everyone again. Can't believe I've managed to stick with you guys this long and I love it, I do. No one I'd rather have than all you sweet-teas out there who've grown up with me and endured my crap. Don't leave in December okae? OKAE?

Approaching another week break is scary. It means I have to do more work. I had better not make too many phone calls and too many shopping dates.

Meep. KOTSW opened tonight, and I'm excited for Saturday. Full House lei! Heh. I'm psyched!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I waved to Fanchesco on my way in, and old italy acknowledged the youth of asia with a nod and the ever so slight bending of the back. A desperate run to the optometrist, and a three second eye inspection yielded a suspiciously nonchalent diagnosis. Either he's good, or he's really bad. I don't know which. Antihistamines, he said. The pharmacy wasn't open. Blinked and winked through the next hour at the acoustic analysis lab sheet.......

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

curling irony

It's been a wonderful day. I had as much fun as I bargained for, if not more, and tomorrow must see the beginning of work. (Funny how I said this yesterday). I have been a terrible procrastinator and it must not go on any longer lest I drown before I am rescued.

Isn't it funny how you irritate the people you like the most, and when you stop liking them you become nice to them simply by virtue of losing that shyness and awkwardness? I can't stop myself; all I am grateful for is that I have not proven to be a total klutz. (Maybe I have.)

Anyway, today (technically yesterday) is/was Nick's birthday. Happy birthday you! I hope 24 will be a fantabulous year and that you'll find what you're looking for. ;) Break a leg- opening night is coming up and I know it'll be fab.

I should zzzz now, and I mizz lydia terribly. Call you soon? And Tippy-girl, I hope you are safe and serene in Singapore now. I mizz you terribly too. Remember the love we have for you here.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Vacuum Cleaner!

I miss Kirby, my old vacuum cleaner. He mooved on, and now we have OSIM mermaid. Maybe I don't know her very well, but we dont get along too well. She ATE a piece of cloth I had in the car and choked on it. And it was her first time working with the family! Bad start, bad start. Dad made her cough it up and return it. Heh.

What can express me now? I have not blogged for so long that it will take a multitude of adjectives to make you understand what I am feeling now. (You know, the Fee-Ling ah.) It's been an elevator ride, and I am glad to report nothing but shooting through the roof. The low beyond low is rising higher and higher; yes I am afraid of crashing but I put my hand in His- He promised that perfect love would drive out all fear, and whose love is quintessentially pure but His? I am grateful and with gladness, I stand before Him, half grinning, half in reverence.

And Alabaster Jars. What can I afford to break and how can I offer my broken self to afford Him that aroma of worship? It's only in that brokeness, that desperate attempt to express to Him what the soul cannot explain, the almost-agony of telling Him how much you need Him that would have caused Mary to break the jar of perfume with great deliberation, spilling it and spreading it with her hair, letting the fragrance rise and not knowing He saw more into her than her actions. He loved her for what she could not express, He knew her in a way she did not know herself, He acknowledged her emotion; emotion that could not even be felt by her. How finite we are and how gracious He is. (Luke 7: 36-50)

I am validated only because of the value He gives to me. He gives me worth and loves me because I have worth. We do it too, especially as children. We love our toys for no good reason, we love old clothes and pillows with great irrationality. And I am secure in His love because no one else is involved in validating me, not even myself. Thank God that it works that way. Life would be living hell other wise.

Jogged for 45 minutes today, feeling good. yumyumyum. Adrian, the bet will hold, even if you feel like giving in, I DON'T CARE. You said end of KOTSW, and I BELIEVE YOU, so don't break the bet. You want me to be fat forever????? huh huh huh huh????? hahaa. Gambatte ne. One day the cycles will have to break, and your deadline's coming up. I'm working on mine so don't slack your end. Just do it, once and for all.

Mmm. I should work on my phonetics.. Gerry, wanna chill out and read dictionary? hahaha. I need the practice too. I teach u ok?? Hahah, you siao woman, you made me laugh so hard I am sure I lost some weight and toned some abs just from yesterday and today. ROX SOX AH!!!!

Yah I've been doing some arty stuff. Esther's birthday, Mum's stuff, paper files and yada. I like I like. Gonna work more on my assignments now though, cos the deadlines are a-coming. Heheh. I like my work!

Mm.. Yennifir's coming over soon.. ( i love irritating her with that name- she calls me Bara in return). Ta peeps!

High of 75

Tonight, we mourned Tiffy's graduation with a dinner at Viet Hoa and supper at concas. Not much crying, except for the few tears shed from convulsive and rather involuntary laughter. Toward the end, the laughter became unwanted, even, yet persisted tirelessly and left us all gasping for air.

The various events; car rides, silly jokes, amazing puns and crushing ironies. The bantering, bullying and mind-blowing food. (calories, people, ka-lorries). I was POKED off my chair today and the perpetrator denies having laid a hand on me (more like a finger). Unanimously the court of justice voted a tsktsk-no-no and jurisdiction outlawed the claim. I was redeemed from my low position (extricated from the floor) and restored to former heights (knees below table, ribs above). We had vietnamese, and supplemented that with chilli mussels and garlic bread (of which I was too full to partake of).

We must have been more than an annoyance, and a road hazard as well, laughing as hard as we did- Ger, Tash and I. Clifford in the car behind us with the windows UP could hear us. Power!!!
And us cam crazy people.. I spent the evening just taking pictures of everyone on Joel's camera to irritate him. Tee hee. He'll have plenty of pointless, unwanted shots. Moo.

very schleepy, because I woke at 6. Going to ZZZZZ now, leave you with a shot of everyone. Quite a fat one of me. Now the true truth about me is out. No more hiding behind other people anymores.

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Bangwall Logic.

I religiously (ok not really) went for lectures this week, even on Thursday when I wanted to melt away and leave the knot in my stomach on the chair. I thought it wouldn't be very polite to leave innards for the next set of people coming in to have lectures, though, so I remained intact to the end! (Not not really again.)

I left halfway.

Why? Because my lecturer told us that usually a small number is quite small. And being the smartass that I am, I figured that I didnt want to chew on that too much.

Well, busy busy with everything BUT work. I'm still on my regime of torture but my body's begun to get it's own back so now it's a major battleground. DIE, LIPIDS. I've had fun baking and baking and baking and watching Full Metal Panic. It's not too bad. I actually laughed out loud when I watched it and I was alone.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I like.

Tired.. Had heaps to say, but I've been SO super lazy to report strength.

Baskin Brobbins. yumyum. hahahaa.

Night sweet-tea!